The Story of You-man Evolution

Reading time: 7 minutes Sometime around seven million years ago, a primate climbed down from the trees. Standing upright to scan the horizon, the primate then took a step forward. And another. She probably wasn’t able to walk for long, …

A story of the universe in nine minutes

Reading time: 9 minutes Our story begins in the dark.  Or really that’s not quite right; “light” didn’t yet exist, so without light, how can there be “darkness”?  And then sometime (or no time) later…  BANG!!!!! From nothing, everything Everything …

evolution in the time of covid-19

Evolution in a time of crisis

Reading time: 2 minutes Throughout human history, we have faced constant and relentless threats to our survival. In evolutionary terms, these pressures typically mean “adapt, or die.” Unlike other species though, we as humans can make a choice about how …