Reading time: 5 minutes With the knowledge that suffering is not permanent or inevitable, we can confidently seek a cure — a method to bring our suffering to an end. In the Fourth Noble Truth, the Buddha presents this method, …
An end to suffering: The Third Noble Truth
Reading time: 4 minutes We wouldn’t bother going to a doctor if we didn’t have hope that she can cure what ails us. In that light, the Third Noble Truth presents the good news in the Buddha’s diagnosis of our …
Digging up the roots of suffering: The Second Noble Truth
Reading time: 7 minutes In the last post, we looked at the First Noble Truth of Buddhism, which asserts that suffering is pervasive in human experience. It appears in many forms and affects us at every level, from individuals to …
Buddhism, suffering, and the SDGs: The First Noble Truth
Reading time: 5 minutes There is suffering all around us. What a pessimistic way to start an article, you might think. But at the heart of all solutions lies a recognition that something is wrong. Doctors cannot heal their patients …